I am Naomi

After my studies in Interdisciplinary Arts in Maastricht, NL, becoming a Hatha & Kundalini yoga teacher in Vienna, AT, led me to cacao. What seemed to be a tool for deeper meditation at first, ignited a journey of learning about the history and effects of ceremonial cacao while translating my findings into my modern, daily life.

Cacao, consciously consumed, has become a space for genuine inner connection, deep self-reflection and remembrance of my part in the complexities of this world. Experiencing modern cacao rituals as supportive on a mental, emotional & physical level, it took a few months that I started to offer my first cacao-facilitated meditations to small groups.

In the process of re-discovering the original essence of cacao through the lens of my busy city life in Vienna, I’ve attended two courses offered by Melbourne-based The Cacao Club and Berlin-based Cacaoloves.me. Only a year later, I’ve travelled Costa Rica and witnessed a traditional approach to cacao plantation & Indigenous ceremony at the Bribri tribe near Puerto Viejo.

I currently live in Freiburg, Germany where I work as a yoga teacher, space holder and creative, being close to my family and the amazing nature of the Black Forest area.

Foto: @rahelfantaw

Event Feedback

“Der Raum, den du geöffnet hast in mir, war wunderschön geborgen und weich.”

Event Feedback

“I truly feel like I could process some blocked emotions though cacao, even blockages I was never aware of. it showed me where to focus my healing, in a place where I didn't feel overwhelmed.”

1:1 Cacao Journey Feedback

“Ich habe mich auf eine ganz liebevolle Art & Weise gehalten gefühlt. Es ist so wichtige Healing-Arbeit, die du mit cacao spaces und deiner 1:1 Arbeit tust.

Du hast mir geholfen, noch tiefer in meine Prozesse zu kommen. Es tat so gut, dass du für mich da warst. Ich habe mich nach unserer 1:1 Journey so genährt, gesehen und unterstützt gefühlt.”

my offerings

  • cacao spaces membership

    Online community with weekly live cacao rituals, a large video library and gentle, empowering support for daily life

    Join anytime, cancel anytime.

  • 1:1 cacao journey

    Your personal deep dive with cacao, guided in an intimate setting for deep clearing, transformation and alignment

    Currently not available

  • workshops + events

    Diverse monthly events in Freiburg or Vienna to experience cacao with me: See all upcoming dates

let cacao become a guide in your soft self–leadership